- UNIQUE WEDDING RINGS / Niepowtarzalne Obrączki(32)
- ENGAGEMENT RINGS / Pierścionki Zaręczynowe(15)
- ACCESSORIES / Dodatki(18)
- BRACELETS / Bransolety(47)
- BROOCHES / Brosze(8)
- CHAINS / Łańcuszki(10)
- CUFFLINKS / Spinki(2)
- EARRINGS / Kolczyki(25)
- GOLD JEWELRY / Złoto(28)
- GEMSTONES / Kamienie szlachetne(71)
- HISTORICAL RECONSTRUCTION of Jewelry from Poland / Rekonstrukcja Biżuterii z Polski(21)
- KEYCHAIN / Breloki(7)
- NECKLACES / Naszyjniki(115)
- OWN PROJECT / Własny Projekt(0)
- PENDANTS / Wisiory(43)
- PROMO SETS / Komplety(33)
- RINGS / Pierścionki(40)
- SIGNETS / Sygnety(20)
- TORQUES / Grzywnie(4)
- T-Shirts / Koszulki(18)
- *BOOKS / Książki(1)
- *Osada Słowiańska(8)
- *Percival Necklaces(0)
- *Tom Horn Jewellery(1)

310,17 zł
Cena (EUR): (72,00 €)

Podaj swój adres e-mail, jeżeli chcesz otrzymywać informacje o nowościach i promocjach.

Silver Slavic Set - Bracelet & Lunula Pendant with Chain
LUNULA It's one o the most common amulet on our lands. It was a symbol of femininity and fertility.
*Lunula twisted pendant with 50cm long chain / silver 925
*Hand Made - Twisted and Hammered bracelet / width 5mm / silver 925
* Wooden "Hnoss Silver Craft" Casket
<<<<<Please write your wrist size in the information to us while buying process>>>>>
*Ręcznie skręcany wisior Lunula na 50cm długości łancuszku / próby 925
*Ręcznie skręcana i kuta bransoleta o kształcie Lunuli (księżyca) / szerokość 5mm / próby 925
*Markowa drewniana szkatułka
<<<<>Proszę wpisać swój obwód nadgarstka w informacji do nas podczas zakupu>>>>>
Lunula - Księżyc, piękny symbol nocy, wyróżnia się swym srebrnym blaskiem na tle ciemnego nieba, a podczas pełni oświetla świat mistycznym światłem. Pasuje – kobiety przecież wyróżniają się swoją urodą, często błyszczą w porównaniu do mężczyzn. Lunula przedstawia sierp księżyca, który jest niepełny, oznacza jednak coś zupełnie przeciwnego. Jest ona symbolem pełni. Pełni księżyca, pełni kobiecości. Lunule często wykonywane były ze srebra, które także odgrywało ważną rolę w kobiecości Słowianek.
Koszty dostawy
Cena nie zawiera ewentualnych kosztów płatności
Produkty powiązane
Silver Lunula Necklace & Earrings Set

Silver Lunula Necklace & Earrings Set
Silver Slavic Earrings Amulet Pins- Lunula

Silver Earrings with Slavic Symbols - Lunula by Hnoss Silver Craft
Silver Lunula Amulet Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments

Silver Lunula Amulet Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments
Gold Lunula Pendant with Slavic Ornaments

Golde Lunula Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments / Złota Lunula ze słowiańskimi ornamentami
Silver Lunula Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments & Onyx

Lunula Necklaces with Moonstone
Silver Lunula Necklaces with Amethyst & Slavic Ornaments

Silver Lunula Necklaces with Amethyst & Slavic Ornaments
Twisted & Hammered Needle Viking & Slavic Lunula Bracelet

Twisted & Hammered Needle Silver Lunula Bracelet (fat)
Silver Lunula Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments & Labradorite

Silver Lunula Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments & Labradorite / Srebrna Lunula ze słowiańskimi ornamentami i Labradorytem
Silver Lunula Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments & Moonstone

Lunula Necklaces with Moonstone
Silver Slavic Lunula Ring & Shield Earrings Set

Silver Slavic Lunula Ring & Shield Earrings Set
Silver Lunula Necklace & Ring & Earrings BIG Set

- Silver Lunula Necklace & Ring & Earrings Set
Amulet Lunula Silver Bracelet with Slavic Ornaments

Lunula Amulet Silver Bracelet with Slavic Ornaments
Silver Mini Lunula Amulet String Bracelet RED

Silver Mini Lunula Amulet String Bracelet RED
Silver Mini Lunula Amulet String Bracelet BLACK

Silver Mini Lunula Amulet String Bracelet BLACK
III Lunula Silver Necklace with Slavic Ornaments

3 Lunula Silver Necklace
Silver Mini Lunula Amulet Necklace with Slavic Ornaments

Silver Mini Lunula Pendenat with chain.
Silver Lunula Brooch with Slavic Ornaments & Caboshon Garnet

Silver Lunula Brooch with Slavic Ornaments & Cabochon Garnet / Srebrna Brosza - Lunula ze słowiańskimi ornamentami i granatem o szlifie kaboszon.
Silver Lunula Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments & Peridot & Chain

Silver Lunula Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments & Peridot (Faceted )/ Srebrna Lunula ze słowiańskimi ornamentami i Peridotem (Fasetowany)
Braided & Hammered Needle Viking & Slavic Lunula Bracelet (1)

Handmade Braided Slavic / Viking Silver "Needles Lunula Amulet Bracelet" . Inspired by the Early Middle Ages / Viking Age Jewelry.
Silver Lunula Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments & Caboshon Garnet

Silver Lunula Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments & Cabochon Garnet / Srebrna Lunula ze słowiańskimi ornamentami i granatem o szlifie kaboszon.
Silver Lunula Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments & Lapis Lazuli

Silver Lunula Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments & Lapis Lazuli / Srebrna Lunula ze słowiańskimi ornamentami i Lapisem Lazuli
Silver Lunula Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments & Pearl & Chain

Silver Lunula Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments & Pearl / Srebrna Lunula ze słowiańskimi ornamentami i Perłą
Silver Lunula Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments & Citrine & Chain

Silver Lunula Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments & Citrine / Srebrna Lunula ze słowiańskimi ornamentami i Cytrynem
Silver Lunula Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments & Sapphire & Chain

Silver Lunula Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments & Sapphire (Faceted or cabochon)/ Srebrna Lunula ze słowiańskimi ornamentami i Szafirem (Fasetowany)
Silver Lunula Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments & Turmalin & Chain

Silver Lunula Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments & Turmalin (Faceted)/ Srebrna Lunula ze słowiańskimi ornamentami i Turmalinem (Fasetowanym)
Silver Lunula Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments & Faceted Garnet

Silver Lunula Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments & Faceted Garnet / Srebrna Lunula ze słowiańskimi ornamentami i fasetowanym granatem.
II Big Lunula Silver Necklace with Slavic Ornaments

5 model Lunula Silver Necklace
V Lunula Silver Custom Necklace with Garnet & Glass

V Amulet Lunula Silver Custom Necklace
Amulet Lunula Silver Bracelet with Garnet & Slavic Ornaments

Lunula Amulet Silver Bracelet with Garnet and Slavic Ornaments
Amulet Lunula Silver Bracelet with Moonstone & Slavic Ornaments

Lunula Amulet Silver Bracelet with Moonstone and Slavic Ornaments
Silver Lunula Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments & Black Tourmaline

Lunula Amulet Necklaces with Moonstone
Silver Mini Lunula Amulet Pendant with Slavic Ornaments

Silver Mini Lunula Pondenat with Slavic Ornaments
Gold Lunula SET - Pendant and Earrings with Slavic Ornaments

Gold Lunula Set
Twisted & Hammered Needle Viking & Slavic Lunula Bracelet (1-slim)

Twisted & Hammered Needle Silver Lunula Bracelet (slim)
Lunula BIG Hand-Made Silver Bracelet with Slavic Ornaments

Hand-Made Lunula Silver Bracelet with Slavic Ornaments
Twisted & Hammered Needle Viking & Slavic Lunula Bracelet (2-slim)

Twisted & Hammered Needle Silver Lunula Bracelet (slim 2)
Silver Braided & Hammered Needle Viking & Slavic Lunula Bracelet (2)

Handmade Braided Slavic / Viking Silver "Needles Lunula Amulet Bracelet"
Silver Lunula Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments & Mountain Crystal & Chain

Silver Lunula Necklaces with Slavic Ornaments & Mountain Crystal / Srebrna Lunula ze słowiańskimi ornamentami i Kryształem Górskim
Gold Twisted & Hammered Needle Viking & Slavic Lunula Bracelet (slim M)

Gold Twisted & Hammered Needle Lunula Bracelet (slim M)
Gold Twisted & Hammered Needle Viking & Slavic Lunula Bracelet (slim L)

Gold Twisted & Hammered Needle Lunula Bracelet (slim L)
Twisted & Hammered Needle Silver & Brass Lunula Bracelet (1-slim) (1)

Twisted & Hammered Needle Silver & Brass Lunula Bracelet (slim)
Reko Silver Lunula Necklaces - Leszno, Poland X-XI A. D.

Silver Lunula from Leszno, Poland X-XI A.D.
Svendborg Svantevit Slavic Bracelet with Bisantic Chain - IV

Silver BIG Byzantine King's Chain bracelet with Slavic God Svantevit heads.
Kolovrat Amulet Silver Ring (2)

Kolovrat Silver Ring symbolizing the Slavic God of the Sun, Heaven and Fire. Swarzyc or Świszczyca, Swarożyca.
Veles Silver Bracelet with Snake Heads - (1) Prabuty Poland XI century.

Hand Made Silver Bracelet with Snake Heads from treasure Prabuty XI century - Poland.
Kolovrat Silver Amulet Necklace II

Silver Slavic Kolowrat Amulet Necklace II
Slavic Silver Amulet Necklace - Perun AXE Type I - (1)

Silver Pendant of Slavic God Perun AXE
Srebrny wisior Topór Peruna
Svendborg Svantevit Slavic Silver Slim Bracelet - I

Svantevit Silver Slavic litle Bracelet
Silver Ring from Treasure Prabuty Poland XI century.

Probably first hand made silver ring from treasure Prabuty XI century (Poland) by Hnoss Silver Craft.
Slavic Silver Amulet Necklace - Perun AXE Type I - (2)

Silver Pendant of Slavic God Perun AXE
Reconstruction of the excavation from the vicinity of Lednica IX / XI A.D. Poland and Kievan Rus.
Slavic Silver Amulet Necklace - Perun AXE Type II - (2)

Silver Amulet of Slavic God Perun AXE - Type 2
Inspiration based on archeological finds from the 11th-12th centuries, Kievan Rus.
Veles Silver Bracelet with Snake Heads - (3) Prabuty Poland XI century.

Hand Made Silver Bracelet with Snake Heads from treasure Prabuty XI century - Poland.
Slavic Silver Amulet Necklace - Perun AXE Type II - (4)

+ Hand-made Chain "Fox Tail" & Svantevit Heads
Slavic Silver Amulet Necklace - Perun AXE Type II - (1)

Silver Amulet of Slavic God Perun AXE - Type 2
Inspiration based on archeological finds from the 11th-12th centuries, Kievan Rus.
Veles Silver Round Open Braided Torques

Hand Made Silver Torques with Snake Heads (Veles) from treasure Prabuty XII century - Poland.
Slavic Silver Amulet Necklace - Perun AXE Type II - (3)

Perun AXE Type II - (3.0)
Big Perun AXE - Type II - Silver Slavic Amulet Pendant

Big Silver Amulet of Slavic God Perun AXE - Type 2
Inspiration based on archeological finds from the 11th-12th centuries, Kievan Rus.
Big Perun AXE - Type II - Silver Slavic Amulet Necklace

Big Silver Amulet Necklace of Slavic God Perun AXE - Type 2
Slavic Silver Amulet Pendant - Perun AXE Type II

Silver Amulet of Slavic God Perun AXE - Type 2
Inspiration based on archeological finds from the 11th-12th centuries, Kievan Rus.
Silver Twisted Lunula Amulet Necklace

Silver Twisted Lunula Amulet Necklace
Slavic Silver Solar Wheel Amulet Pendant "ROD"

Slavic Solar Amulet Pendant
Slavic Silver Amulet Pendant - Perun AXE Type I

Silver Pendant of Slavic God Perun AXE
Reconstruction of the excavation from the vicinity of Lednica IX / XI A.D. Poland and Kievan Rus.
Slavic Silver Amulet Necklace - Perun AXE Type I - (3)

Silver Pendant of Slavic God Perun AXE
Reconstruction of the excavation from the vicinity of Gniezdovo, Kievan Rus X / XI A.D.
VI Lunula Silver Custom Collar Necklace with Garnet & Glass Beads

VI Lunula Silver Custom Necklace with Garnet & Glass Beads by Hnoss Silver Craft.
Big Perun AXE - Type II - Silver Slavic Amulet Pendant (2)

Big Silver Amulet of Slavic God Perun AXE - Type 2
Inspiration based on archeological finds from the 11th-12th centuries, Kievan Rus.
Big Perun AXE - Type II - Silver Slavic Amulet Necklace (2)

Big Silver Amulet Necklace of Slavic God Perun AXE - Type 2